These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
BLEACHFIELD | Large field or yard used to lay fabrics out ready for bleaching. | Preferred term | 69404 | - |
Bleaching | Narrow term | 91201 | - | |
Bleaching Factory | Narrow term | 91202 | - | |
Bleaching House | Narrow term | 91203 | - | |
BLEEDING CUP | A container used to catch blood during bleeding. | Preferred term | 95259 | - |
BLEEDING ROOM | A room dedicated to the drawing or letting of blood, a procedure once thought to possess medicinal properties. | Preferred term | 137458 | - |
BLENDER SHED | A building where threads of different qualities and colours are mixed together. | Preferred term | 91204 | - |
BLIND | A shade for a window. | Preferred term | 96528 | - |
BLIND ARCADE | A succession of arches on shafts with no openings, attached to and used to enliven a wall. | Preferred term | 137459 | - |
BLIND BACK HOUSE | A house with windows and doors on one side only; often built facing inwards onto a burgage plot, or sometimes on a steep slope, with no apertures on the uphill side. | Preferred term | 91205 | - |
BLIND BACK TERRACE | A terrace with windows and doors on one side only, often built facing inwards onto a burgage plot, or sometimes on a steep slope, with no apertures on the uphill side. | Preferred term | 91206 | - |
BLIND COLONNADE | A series of columns in a straight line supporting an entablature with no openings or glazing. | Preferred term | 137460 | - |
BLIND FITTING | An object which supports or is attached to a blind. | Preferred term | 96540 | - |
Blind School | Narrow term | 91207 | - | |
BLINKER | Pieces of leather connected to a bridle designed to direct a horse's vision straight forward only. | Preferred term | 100048 | - |
BLISTER AIRCRAFT HANGAR | A type of transportable aircraft hangar patented by Miskins and Sons in 1939. The arched hangar was constructed of steel or wooden ribs and generally clad in steel sheets. The hangar did not require any foundations and could be anchored by iron stakes. | Preferred term | 140122 | - |
Blister Hangar | Narrow term | 140132 | - | |
BLOCK | A small piece of timber occupying the angle between two other timbers. | Preferred term | 137461 | - |
Block Capital | Narrow term | 137462 | - | |
BLOCK CORNICE | An Italian cornice consisting of a bed moulding, a row of plain block corbels or modillions, and a corona or cornice. | Preferred term | 137463 | - |
Block Dwellings | Narrow term | 91208 | - | |
BLOCK MILL | Building housing machinery used in the production of wooden pulley blocks for the rigging of sailing ships. | Preferred term | 91209 | - |
Block Of Flats | Narrow term | 91210 | - | |
BLOCK SHIP | A hulk or obsolete vessel filled with cement or similar material and scuttled to block an entrance to a port or anchorage, usually as a defensive measure. | Preferred term | - | - |
Block Works | Narrow term | 133673 | - | |
BLOCKED COLUMN | A column whose shaft is interrupted by square blocks. | Preferred term | 137464 | - |
BLOCKHOUSE | A detached fort covering a strategic point. | Preferred term | 68828 | - |
BLOCKING COURSE | A plain stone course, sometimes projecting, above a cornice and counterbalancing the cantilevered sections of stone, or at the base of a building. | Preferred term | 138847 | - |
Blockmakers Workshop | Narrow term | 91211 | - | |
Blockstone | Narrow term | 91212 | - |
1291 - 1320 of 12,437 records.