These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
BISHOPS PALACE | The official residence of a bishop. | Preferred term | 68932 | - |
BISHOPS SUMMER PALACE | An official residence of a bishop used during the summer months. | Preferred term | 91191 | - |
BISMUTH MINE | Mine for the extraction of bismuth, which usually occurs in small quantities in the ores of other metal ores, particularly lead, and some copper ores. | Preferred term | 143811 | - |
BISON MOBILE PILLBOX | A flatbed lorry with a concrete defensive position fitted on the back enabling the "pillbox" to be driven to where it was most needed in the event of an airborne force landing on the airfield. | Preferred term | 140536 | - |
BIVALLATE HILLFORT | A hilltop enclosure bounded by a double line of ramparts. | Preferred term | 68856 | - |
Black Yarn House | Narrow term | 91192 | - | |
BLACKING FACTORY | A building or buildings used for the manufacture of shoe and leather polish, etc. | Preferred term | 91193 | - |
Blacking Mill | Narrow term | 141989 | - | |
Blacksmiths Cottage | Narrow term | 91194 | - | |
Blacksmiths Shop | Narrow term | 70583 | - | |
BLACKSMITHS WORKSHOP | Place where a smith works iron. May be for small scale local use or within a larger industrial complex. | Preferred term | 71815 | - |
Bladder Pipe | Narrow term | - | - | |
BLADE | A struck piece of flint or other stone where the length is at least twice the width. | Preferred term | 96399 | - |
BLADE | A principal member in a cruck truss. | Preferred term | 137457 | - |
Blade Works | Narrow term | 83350 | - | |
BLANKET | A thick fabric cover used to provide warmth. | Preferred term | 96527 | - |
Blanket Hall | Narrow term | 93985 | - | |
BLANKET MILL | A factory where lengths of soft, woollen cloth, loosely woven to retain heat, used as a bed covering, were manufactured. | Preferred term | 91195 | - |
BLANKETS | Bed coverings, usually of woollen or similar natural or artificial fabrics. | Preferred term | 143449 | - |
BLAST FURNACE | Smelting furnace into which compressed hot air is driven. | Preferred term | 69179 | - |
Blast House | Narrow term | 93952 | - | |
BLAST PEN | A protective structure, often made of sandbags with reinforcement, designed to protect aircraft at airfields from enemy attack. | Preferred term | 97263 | - |
BLAST SHELTER | A structure, usually of earth and concrete, and usually, although not always, subterranean, designed for protection against explosives | Preferred term | 143375 | - |
BLAST WALL | A reinforced wall designed to reflect the blast from an explosion. Often found associated with powder magazines, pillboxes and air raid shelters. | Preferred term | 91196 | - |
Bleach Croft | Narrow term | 91197 | - | |
Bleach Green | Narrow term | 91198 | - | |
Bleach Grounds | Narrow term | 91199 | - | |
BLEACH WORKS | A works where bleach is manufactured. | Preferred term | 69139 | - |
Bleach Yard | Narrow term | 91200 | - | |
BLEACHERY | Bleach works or bleach house for bleaching of textiles, etc. | Preferred term | 69140 | - |
1261 - 1290 of 12,437 records.