Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
BISHOPS PALACE The official residence of a bishop. Preferred term 68932 -
BISHOPS SUMMER PALACE An official residence of a bishop used during the summer months. Preferred term 91191 -
BISMUTH MINE Mine for the extraction of bismuth, which usually occurs in small quantities in the ores of other metal ores, particularly lead, and some copper ores. Preferred term 143811 -
BISON MOBILE PILLBOX A flatbed lorry with a concrete defensive position fitted on the back enabling the "pillbox" to be driven to where it was most needed in the event of an airborne force landing on the airfield. Preferred term 140536 -
BIVALLATE HILLFORT A hilltop enclosure bounded by a double line of ramparts. Preferred term 68856 -
Black Yarn House Narrow term 91192 -
BLACKING FACTORY A building or buildings used for the manufacture of shoe and leather polish, etc. Preferred term 91193 -
Blacking Mill Narrow term 141989 -
Blacksmiths Cottage Narrow term 91194 -
Blacksmiths Shop Narrow term 70583 -
BLACKSMITHS WORKSHOP Place where a smith works iron. May be for small scale local use or within a larger industrial complex. Preferred term 71815 -
Bladder Pipe Narrow term - -
BLADE A struck piece of flint or other stone where the length is at least twice the width. Preferred term 96399 -
BLADE A principal member in a cruck truss. Preferred term 137457 -
Blade Works Narrow term 83350 -
BLANKET A thick fabric cover used to provide warmth. Preferred term 96527 -
Blanket Hall Narrow term 93985 -
BLANKET MILL A factory where lengths of soft, woollen cloth, loosely woven to retain heat, used as a bed covering, were manufactured. Preferred term 91195 -
BLANKETS Bed coverings, usually of woollen or similar natural or artificial fabrics. Preferred term 143449 -
BLAST FURNACE Smelting furnace into which compressed hot air is driven. Preferred term 69179 -
Blast House Narrow term 93952 -
BLAST PEN A protective structure, often made of sandbags with reinforcement, designed to protect aircraft at airfields from enemy attack. Preferred term 97263 -
BLAST SHELTER A structure, usually of earth and concrete, and usually, although not always, subterranean, designed for protection against explosives Preferred term 143375 -
BLAST WALL A reinforced wall designed to reflect the blast from an explosion. Often found associated with powder magazines, pillboxes and air raid shelters. Preferred term 91196 -
Bleach Croft Narrow term 91197 -
Bleach Green Narrow term 91198 -
Bleach Grounds Narrow term 91199 -
BLEACH WORKS A works where bleach is manufactured. Preferred term 69139 -
Bleach Yard Narrow term 91200 -
BLEACHERY Bleach works or bleach house for bleaching of textiles, etc. Preferred term 69140 -

1261 - 1290 of 12,437 records.

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