These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
BLOOD DONOR CENTRE | A centre in which the public donate blood that will be used for the care of patients in hospitals. | Preferred term | 143265 | - |
BLOOD LETTING HOUSE | Place for people who underwent regular blood letting. | Preferred term | 91213 | - |
Bloodhound Missile Launch Site | Narrow term | 160404 | - | |
BLOODHOUND MISSILE SITE | A missile base armed with the Bristol Bloodhound surface-to-air missile. Bloodhounds were deployed to defend the launch sites of Thor Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles. | Preferred term | 109353 | - |
BLOOM | A material resulting from the smelting of iron ore. | Preferred term | 97335 | - |
Bloom Hearth | Narrow term | 70585 | - | |
Bloomary | Narrow term | 91214 | - | |
BLOOMERY | A charcoal fired shaft furnace used for the direct reduction of iron ore to produce wrought iron. | Preferred term | 69180 | - |
Bloomsmithy | Narrow term | 70586 | - | |
BLOUSE | A shirt like garment. | Preferred term | 96612 | - |
BLOWING ENGINE | A steam engine driving a reciprocating air pump to provide air for a blast furnace. | Preferred term | 137465 | - |
BLOWING ENGINE HOUSE | Steam engine, usually, driving a centrifugal fan to provide an air blast for a blast furnace. | Preferred term | 90933 | - |
Blowing Furnace | Narrow term | 91215 | - | |
BLOWING HOUSE | A building containing a small stone cylindrical furnace, eg. used for tin smelting in Cornwall. | Preferred term | 69210 | - |
BLOWPIPE (TOOL) | A long hollow tube used to blow molten glass into shapes. | Preferred term | 99652 | - |
BLOWPIPE (WEAPON) | A tube through which missiles are blown. | Preferred term | 95133 | - |
BLUBBER | The fat removed from the carcass of a whale or seal and used in the manufacture of cosmetics and as a fuel for tallow lamps. | Preferred term | 78914 | - |
Blue John Mine | Narrow term | 69344 | - | |
Bluecoat School | Narrow term | 91216 | - | |
Blunger | Narrow term | 91217 | - | |
BLUNGING PIT | Pit for mixing raw materials with water in the preparation of a clay body. | Preferred term | 69052 | - |
BOAR PEN | A pen to separate the boar from the other pigs. | Preferred term | 91218 | - |
BOARD | A sawn piece of timber, thinner than a plank and often rectangular. | Preferred term | 96490 | - |
BOARD | Flat, rectangular piece of material, traditionally of wood but now of any material, used in the construction industries. | Preferred term | 78915 | - |
BOARD MILL | A mill used for the production of cardboard and other similar products. | Preferred term | 91219 | - |
Board Room | Narrow term | 141276 | - | |
BOARD SCHOOL | 19th century school administered by a school board. | Preferred term | 71626 | - |
BOARDING KENNEL | A house or range of buildings where domestic dogs and cats can be kept for a period. | Preferred term | 91220 | - |
BOARDING SCHOOL | A private school offering term time accommodation for pupils being taught there. | Preferred term | 71682 | - |
BOARDROOM | A meeting room intended specifically for the use of a board of directors or governors of an organization or company.. | Preferred term | 139408 | - |
1321 - 1350 of 12,437 records.