Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
BELL PULL A cord or handle which rings a bell when pulled. Preferred term 96238 -
BELL SYSTEM A system of communication used in a house to summon servants or on board ship to transmit orders to the engine room. Preferred term 95365 -
BELL TOWER A high tower, attached to or detached from a building such as a church, with a belfry stage containing bells. Preferred term 137448 -
BELL TOWER A tower or turret in which bells are hung. Preferred term 69965 -
Bell Turret Narrow term 137449 -
BELLAND YARD WALL A wall within a lead mine surrounding a dressing floor, where waste from mining and smelting is deposited, to protect livestock from entering and consuming contaminated material and becoming poisoned, or 'bellanded'. Preferred term 141072 -
BELLCOTE A housing for one or more bells, usually gabled or roofed. Preferred term 137450 -
BELLITE WORKS A works engaged principally in the manufacture of the explosive bellite. Preferred term 99572 -
BELLMAN AIRCRAFT HANGAR A type of temporary transportable aircraft hangar designed in 1936 by N.S. Bellman. It was designed for ease of installation, and was composed of light rolled steel sections. Preferred term 140153 -
Bellman Hangar Narrow term 140155 -
BELLOWS An object used to create a blast of air. Preferred term 96486 -
BELLOWS HOUSE A building housing a set of bellows used to provide the blast of air to a blast furnace or similar installation. Preferred term 91171 -
BELT A band of leather, cloth etc worn usually around the waist to support clothing, carry weapons, pouches, tools etc or as a decoration. Preferred term 96630 -
Belt Attachment Narrow term - -
Belt Chape Narrow term - -
Belt Clasp Narrow term - -
Belt Conveyor Narrow term 164122 -
Belt Fitting Narrow term - -
Belt Hoist Narrow term 164123 -
Belt Loop Narrow term - -
Belt Mount Narrow term - -
Belt Plate Narrow term - -
Belt Slide Narrow term - -
BELVEDERE A turret on the side of a house providing views across the surrounding countryside. Preferred term 137451 -
BELVEDERE A turret, tower or look out occupying a prominent position to provide a view, either a separate building, or part of a villa. Preferred term 69010 -
BENCH A long seat, usually made of stone or wood, with or without a back. Preferred term 69591 -
BENCH (SEAT) A long seat usually without a back. Preferred term 97332 -
BENCH (TABLE) A rough table usually for working upon. Preferred term 97333 -
BENCH MARK Mark, usually consisting of a horizontal line above an arrow, cut by the Ordnance Survey as part of the survey of Britain and referenced to a known height above mean sea level. Preferred term 142992 -
BENCH PEW Preferred term 167859 -

1171 - 1200 of 12,437 records.

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