Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Benedictine Abbey Use ABBEY and BENEDICTINE MONASTERY/NUNNERY. Narrow term 70576 -
BENEDICTINE ALIEN CELL A residence of two or three monks of the Benedictine order dependent on a foreign mother house. Preferred term 91174 -
Benedictine Alien Priory Use ALIEN PRIORY with BENEDICTINE MONASTERY/NUNNERY. Narrow term 70577 -
Benedictine Cathedral Priory Use all terms. Narrow term 70578 -
BENEDICTINE CELL A residence of two or three monks of the Benedictine order dependent on an English mother house. Preferred term 70126 -
BENEDICTINE DOUBLE HOUSE A mixed house of nuns and religious men of the Benedictine order. Preferred term 70136 -
BENEDICTINE GRANGE An outlying farm or estate belonging to the Benedictine order. Preferred term 70149 -
BENEDICTINE MONASTERY An abbey or priory for monks of the Benedictine order. Preferred term 70154 -
BENEDICTINE NUNNERY An abbey or priory for nuns ofthe Benedictine order. Preferred term 70167 -
Benedictine Priory Use PRIORY and BENEDICTINE MONASTERY or BENEDICTINE NUNNERY. Narrow term 70579 -
Benedictine Priory Cell Narrow term 91175 -
BENZINE A mixture of paraffins distilled from petroleum and used as a fuel and solvent. Preferred term 78911 -
Bercarie Narrow term 91177 -
BERCEAU A vault shaped trellis on which climbing plants are trained. Preferred term 91178 -
BERM A horizontal surface separating the base of a rampart or earthwork from an associated ditch or moat. Can also refer to a continuously sloping bank of earth against a wall, as in a fortified city wall. Preferred term 141169 -
BERTH A place where a ship lies at a wharf. Use specific type where known. Preferred term 91179 -
BESSEMER STEEL WORKS Site where steel is produced from molten pig iron using a Bessemer Converter, a development from the cementation and crucible steel-making techniques . Preferred term 164133 -
BESSONNEAU AIRCRAFT HANGAR The first transportable aircraft hangar developed by the RFC/RAF, which comprised a kit of timber and canvas that could be assembled in 48 hours. The canvas doors open one end only. Also known as Type H hangar. Preferred term 140207 -
Bessonneau Hangar (Type H) Narrow term 140208 -
BET HAMIDRASH A hall, often associated with a synagogue, used for studying the Torah and other religious texts. Preferred term 162723 -
BET TAHARA A cleansing house associated with Jewish burial ceremonies Preferred term 141084 -
BETTING OFFICE An establishment where wagering and the placing of bets takes place. Preferred term 91180 -
Betting Shop Narrow term 84616 -
BIB A piece of cloth or plastic worn especially by babies to protect clothes while eating. Preferred term 96613 -
BIBLE CHRISTIAN CHAPEL A place of worship for Bible Christians, a group who split from the Wesleyan Methodists to form their own church in the South West of England. They were amalgamated into the United Methodist Church in 1907. Preferred term 91181 -
BICYCLE FACTORY A factory for the assembly of bicycles. Preferred term 91182 -
Bicycle Racing Track Narrow term 140078 -
Bicycle Railway Narrow term 100199 -
BICYCLE SHED A shelter for the storage of bicycles. Preferred term 93934 -
BICYCLES Two-wheeled vehicles for personal transport with pedals for propulsion by the rider. Preferred term 139812 -

1201 - 1230 of 12,437 records.

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