These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
Benedictine Abbey | Use ABBEY and BENEDICTINE MONASTERY/NUNNERY. | Narrow term | 70576 | - |
BENEDICTINE ALIEN CELL | A residence of two or three monks of the Benedictine order dependent on a foreign mother house. | Preferred term | 91174 | - |
Benedictine Alien Priory | Use ALIEN PRIORY with BENEDICTINE MONASTERY/NUNNERY. | Narrow term | 70577 | - |
Benedictine Cathedral Priory | Use all terms. | Narrow term | 70578 | - |
BENEDICTINE CELL | A residence of two or three monks of the Benedictine order dependent on an English mother house. | Preferred term | 70126 | - |
BENEDICTINE DOUBLE HOUSE | A mixed house of nuns and religious men of the Benedictine order. | Preferred term | 70136 | - |
BENEDICTINE GRANGE | An outlying farm or estate belonging to the Benedictine order. | Preferred term | 70149 | - |
BENEDICTINE MONASTERY | An abbey or priory for monks of the Benedictine order. | Preferred term | 70154 | - |
BENEDICTINE NUNNERY | An abbey or priory for nuns ofthe Benedictine order. | Preferred term | 70167 | - |
Benedictine Priory | Use PRIORY and BENEDICTINE MONASTERY or BENEDICTINE NUNNERY. | Narrow term | 70579 | - |
Benedictine Priory Cell | Narrow term | 91175 | - | |
BENZINE | A mixture of paraffins distilled from petroleum and used as a fuel and solvent. | Preferred term | 78911 | - |
Bercarie | Narrow term | 91177 | - | |
BERCEAU | A vault shaped trellis on which climbing plants are trained. | Preferred term | 91178 | - |
BERM | A horizontal surface separating the base of a rampart or earthwork from an associated ditch or moat. Can also refer to a continuously sloping bank of earth against a wall, as in a fortified city wall. | Preferred term | 141169 | - |
BERTH | A place where a ship lies at a wharf. Use specific type where known. | Preferred term | 91179 | - |
BESSEMER STEEL WORKS | Site where steel is produced from molten pig iron using a Bessemer Converter, a development from the cementation and crucible steel-making techniques . | Preferred term | 164133 | - |
BESSONNEAU AIRCRAFT HANGAR | The first transportable aircraft hangar developed by the RFC/RAF, which comprised a kit of timber and canvas that could be assembled in 48 hours. The canvas doors open one end only. Also known as Type H hangar. | Preferred term | 140207 | - |
Bessonneau Hangar (Type H) | Narrow term | 140208 | - | |
BET HAMIDRASH | A hall, often associated with a synagogue, used for studying the Torah and other religious texts. | Preferred term | 162723 | - |
BET TAHARA | A cleansing house associated with Jewish burial ceremonies | Preferred term | 141084 | - |
BETTING OFFICE | An establishment where wagering and the placing of bets takes place. | Preferred term | 91180 | - |
Betting Shop | Narrow term | 84616 | - | |
BIB | A piece of cloth or plastic worn especially by babies to protect clothes while eating. | Preferred term | 96613 | - |
BIBLE CHRISTIAN CHAPEL | A place of worship for Bible Christians, a group who split from the Wesleyan Methodists to form their own church in the South West of England. They were amalgamated into the United Methodist Church in 1907. | Preferred term | 91181 | - |
BICYCLE FACTORY | A factory for the assembly of bicycles. | Preferred term | 91182 | - |
Bicycle Racing Track | Narrow term | 140078 | - | |
Bicycle Railway | Narrow term | 100199 | - | |
BICYCLE SHED | A shelter for the storage of bicycles. | Preferred term | 93934 | - |
BICYCLES | Two-wheeled vehicles for personal transport with pedals for propulsion by the rider. | Preferred term | 139812 | - |
1201 - 1230 of 12,437 records.