Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CINERARY URN Urn containing a cremation. Where component use with wider site type. Preferred term 70029 -
CINERARY VESSEL A vessel for keeping the ashes of the dead after cremation. Preferred term 97305 -
CINNAMON Spice from the bark of an East Indian tree Preferred term 143973 -
CINQUEFOIL An ornamental foliation in panels or tracery so called because it is arranged around five intervals, known as foils or cusps, that describe the outlines of five leaves or petals. Preferred term 138852 -
Circle Henge A henge which contains a circle of standing stones. Use both terms. Narrow term 99671 -
CIRCLET A circular ornament worn on the head. Preferred term 96679 -
CIRCULAR ENCLOSURE A circular shaped area of land enclosed by a boundary ditch, bank, wall, palisade or similar barrier. Preferred term 70356 -
CIRCULAR KILN A circular kiln or oven used in the manufacture of bricks. Common in Staffordshire in the 18th century. Preferred term 91476 -
CIRCULAR PLAN The plan on which a circular building is constructed. Preferred term 137556 -
CIRCULAR PLATFORM A levelled area of ground, circular in shape, used as the base on which a monument was built.Sometimes raised, a platform is often the sole surviving evidence for a monument. Preferred term 70402 -
CIRCULAR REDOUBT A large circular defence work surrounded by a brick revetted ditch and sunken below a glacis. Usually built out of brick with the embrasures lined with granite blocks. Armed with ten or elven guns. Early 19th century as part of coastline defence. Preferred term 140290 -
CIRCUMCISION EQUIPMENT Equipment used to perform circumcision. Preferred term 95263 -
CIRCUMCISION KNIFE A knife used in circumcision. Preferred term 95264 -
CIRCUMCISION PLATE A plate used during circumcision. Preferred term 95266 -
CIRCUMCISION SCISSORS A pair of scissors used in circumcision. Preferred term 95265 -
CIRCUMVALLATION A rampart or other defensive entrenchment. Preferred term 70700 -
CIRCUS (RECREATIONAL) A site where traditional public shows, in which the display of exotic animals, combined with feats of agility and comedy, were held. Preferred term 91477 -
CIRCUS (ROMAN) A rectangular arena, rounded at one end designed for chariot racing. The racetrack circled a central barrier (spina) constructed between two turning posts (metae). The only known example found in Britain, so far, is in Colchester. Preferred term 91478 -
CIRCUS (URBAN) A circular range of houses dating from the 18th century, eg. John Wood's Circus at Bath. Preferred term 91479 -
Circus Tent Narrow term 91480 -
CIST Generally rectangular structure normally used for burial purposes, and formed from stone slabs set on edge, and covered by one or more horizontal slabs or capstones. Cists may be built on the surface or sunk into the ground. Preferred term 70071 -
CIST GRAVE CEMETERY A cemetery comprising inhumations or cremations interred in stone cists. Preferred term 70062 -
Cistercian Abbey Use ABBEY and CISTERCIAN MONASTERY/NUNNERY. Narrow term 70704 -
CISTERCIAN ALIEN CELL A residence of two or three monks of the Cistercian order dependent on a foreign mother house. Preferred term 91481 -
CISTERCIAN CELL A residence of two or three monks of the Cistercian order dependent on an English mother house. Preferred term 70128 -
CISTERCIAN GRANGE An outlying farm or estate belonging to the Cistercian order. Preferred term 70151 -
CISTERCIAN MONASTERY An abbey or priory of Cistercian monks. Preferred term 70157 -
CISTERCIAN NUNNERY An abbey or a priory of Cistercian nuns. Preferred term 70168 -
Cistercian Priory Use PRIORY and CISTERCIAN MONASTERY/NUNNERY. Narrow term 70705 -
CISTERN A covered tank in which rainwater is stored for use when required. Preferred term 70435 -

2461 - 2490 of 12,437 records.

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