Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Churchyard Cross Use both terms. Narrow term 69989 -
Churchyard Gate Use both terms. Narrow term 69983 -
Churchyard Wall Use both terms. Narrow term 69984 -
Churchyard Watch House Use both terms. Narrow term 162953 -
CHURN A large container with lip and handle usually for milk. Preferred term 95768 -
Churn Dash Narrow term - -
Churn Staff Narrow term - -
CHURN STAND A wooden or stone plinth for depositing milk churns on. Preferred term 91470 -
CHURNING STICK A stick for agitating milk in a butter churn. Preferred term 96761 -
CHUTE A vertical or inclined plane, channel, or passage through which objects are moved from a higher to a lower level by means of gravity. Preferred term 159280 -
CIBORIUM A covered chalice used for the Eucharist. Preferred term 95870 -
CIDER An alcoholic drink made from fermented apple juice. Preferred term 85416 -
Cider Brewery Narrow term 91471 -
CIDER FACTORY A factory concerned with the commercial manufacture of cider, as opposed to domestic production. Preferred term 69122 -
CIDER HOUSE A building, or part of a building, for the milling and pressing of cider apples to produce cider (or pears for perry) and for storing the drink in barrels. Preferred term 68553 -
CIDER MILL A HORSE GIN used for domestic cider manufacture, especially on farms. Preferred term 68554 -
CIDER PRESS A machine that presses apples to extract juice for the production of cider. Preferred term 137554 -
CIDER PRESS A press used to extract the juice from apples, which was then used to make cider. Preferred term 68578 -
CIDER VAULT A vault used for the storage of cider. Preferred term 91472 -
Cider Works Narrow term 91473 -
Ciderhouse Narrow term 71382 -
Cigarette Factory Narrow term 91474 -
Cill Narrow term 137555 -
Cinders Narrow term 88506 -
CINEMA A building where people pay to see films and 'moving pictures'. Preferred term 69938 -
Cinematograph Theatre Narrow term 91475 -
CINERARY BOWL A vessel for keeping the ashes of the dead after cremation. Preferred term 95868 -
CINERARY CASKET A container for keeping the ashes of the dead after cremation. Preferred term 95869 -
Cinerary Chest Narrow term - -
CINERARY URN A container, in the form of an urn, for keeping the ashes of the dead after cremation. Preferred term 95903 -

2431 - 2460 of 12,437 records.

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