Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Cloth Narrow term - -
CLOTH Woven or felted fabric used in the manufacture of garments, tablecloths, towels etc. Preferred term 84308 -
CLOTH BEATER A tool used to hit fabric, eg to remove dust or dirt. Preferred term 96481 -
CLOTH CUTTERS COTTAGE The residence of a cloth cutter. Preferred term 91508 -
CLOTH CUTTERS WORKSHOP A place where processed cloth is cut for use as garments or soft furnishings, etc. Preferred term 91509 -
CLOTH DRESSING MILL Cloth finishing process using machinery to raise the nap of the cloth before shearing. Preferred term 91510 -
CLOTH DRY HOUSE A building or structure in which processed cloth is dried. Preferred term 87511 -
CLOTH HALL A market hall where cloth merchants can show their wares and conduct business. Preferred term 68783 -
CLOTH MARKET An open market where cloth and other textiles can be traded. Preferred term 91511 -
CLOTH MEASURE A measuring rule used for cloth, with the imperial yard divided into quarters and nails (sixteenths), or using the now obsolete ell of 45 inches. Preferred term 95332 -
Cloth Mill Narrow term 91512 -
CLOTH SEAL A lead seal marking newly woven cloth which served as a quality control method in medieval and post medieval periods. Preferred term 95421 -
CLOTH WAREHOUSE A large building used for the storage of finished cloth. Preferred term 162958 -
CLOTHES HANGER An object from which clothes can be hung. Preferred term 96269 -
CLOTHES LINE ENCLOSURE A small rectangular or sub circular area or areas bounded by an earthwork, ditch or similar boundary, where one side is formed by an existing linear boundary, forming a pattern reminiscent of clothes hanging from a washing line. Preferred term 68980 -
CLOTHIERS HOUSE The residence of a clothier. Preferred term 91513 -
Clothiers Workshop Narrow term 69405 -
CLOTHING Covering and accessories worn on the body. Preferred term 97105 -
CLOTHING Items made from cloth, wool etc used as a covering for the human body. Preferred term 111693 -
CLOTHING ACCESSORY An item worn as clothing or in addition to clothes. Preferred term 97110 -
CLOTHING FACTORY A large factory or series of workshops for the manufacture of clothing. Preferred term 69406 -
CLOTHING FASTENING An item used to join together clothing (includes footwear). Preferred term 97287 -
CLOTHING INDUSTRY SITE Buildings and sites associated with the manufacture of clothing. Preferred term 91514 -
Clothing Shop Narrow term 91515 -
CLOTHING STORE A room within a building or complex used for storing clothing. Preferred term 141267 -
CLOTHING WORKSHOP A workshop for the manufacture of clothing, eg. tailor's workshop. Preferred term 91516 -
CLOVES Dried flower buds, used as a pungent aromatic spice. Preferred term 143975 -
Clow Narrow term 70715 -
CLUB A thick heavy weapon used to strike the opponent. Preferred term 95136 -
CLUB A building used by an association of persons for social and recreational purposes or for the promotion of some common object. Preferred term 103292 -

2611 - 2640 of 12,437 records.

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