Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
CLAY WORKINGS A site where clay is extracted from the surface of the ground. Preferred term 91498 -
CLAYMORE A two edged broadsword. Preferred term 95177 -
Claypipe Workshop Narrow term 91499 -
CLEARANCE An area of ground which has been cleared of plants and other obstruction. Preferred term 136770 -
CLEARANCE CAIRN An irregularly constructed, generally unstructured, mound of stones. Often, but not necessarily, circular. Normally a by product of field clearance for agricultural purposes. Preferred term 68613 -
CLEARING HOUSE A central office dealing with financial accounts. Preferred term 91500 -
Clearstorey Narrow term 138991 -
Clearstory Narrow term 138990 -
CLEAT A piece of wood or iron to secure ropes, etc to or on. Preferred term 96249 -
CLEAVER A tool for splitting and chopping. Preferred term 96404 -
CLENCH NAIL A nail adapted so that the end of the nail can be turned over and driven back into the substance through which it has passed. Preferred term 96250 -
Clerestorey Narrow term 138992 -
CLERESTORY The upper parts of walls carried on arcades or colonnades in the nave, choir or transepts of a church or hall, rising higher than the lean-to roofs of the aisles and pierced with windows to allow light to penetrate. Preferred term 137562 -
CLERGY DAUGHTERS SCHOOL 19th century school for the daughters of clergymen. Preferred term 167334 -
CLERGY HOUSE A residence for all clergy having the sole or subordinate charge of a living. Preferred term 68933 -
CLERICAL DWELLING Residences of religious people and members of the clergy. Preferred term 68930 -
CLIFF CASTLE An enclosure created by constructing one or more lines of ramparts across a promontory which projects into the sea. Preferred term 68864 -
Cliff Dwelling Narrow term 162956 -
Cliff Lift Narrow term 91501 -
CLIFF RAILWAY A railway, usually by the sea, linking the beach with the cliff top. Various mechanisms were used the most common being that the cars were attached to a cable and winding drum and were balanced so that one travelled up, as the other came down. Preferred term 70243 -
CLIMBING WALL An artifically constructed wall with recessed and projecting grips for hands and feet and places to attach ropes. Used for practising rock climbing. If the wall is a free-standing external structure use term for the Thesaurus of Monument Types. Preferred term 140354 -
CLIMBING WALL An artificially constructed wall with recessed and projecting grips for hands and feet and places to attach ropes. Used for practising rock climbing. If the wall is situated within a sports centre use term from Components thesaurus. Preferred term 140351 -
Clinch Nail Narrow term - -
CLINIC An institution, sometimes attached to a hospital, where patients may receive treatment or health checks. Preferred term 68713 -
Clink Narrow term 70714 -
CLINKER Ash and partially fused residues from a coal fired furnace or fire. Preferred term 97347 -
CLINKER Usually slag, a residue from burning stone, but can be used for vitrified bricks. Preferred term 86296 -
CLINKER MILL A mill which ground clinker in the cement production process. During cement production a mixture of lime and clay is burnt which forms a clinker which is then ground into powder. When mixed with water it solidifies to hard cement. Preferred term 133073 -
CLINOMETER An instrument for measuring the angle of slopes, usually in inches per yard, consisting of a weighted graduated wheel with movable sights. Preferred term 95329 -
CLIP An object used to grip together objects. Preferred term 96251 -

2551 - 2580 of 12,437 records.

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