Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Citadel Narrow term 91482 -
Cithara Narrow term - -
City Baths Narrow term 91483 -
City Cross Narrow term 70706 -
City Defences Narrow term 70707 -
City Education Office Narrow term 91484 -
City Gate Narrow term 91485 -
City Hall Narrow term 70708 -
City Of London Coal Duties Boundary Marker Narrow term 146402 -
City Post Narrow term 146401 -
City Transport Office Narrow term 91486 -
City Treasurers Office Narrow term 91487 -
City Wall Narrow term 91488 -
CIVIC CENTRE A building or building complex where municipal offices and other public buildings are situated. Preferred term 91489 -
Civic Hall Narrow term 71796 -
CIVIL Sites, buildings, structures etc associated with the civil administration of settlements & enforcement of the laws of the land. Includes local & central government, settlements granted by the crown or ruling administration does not manorial settlements. Preferred term 68675 -
CIVIL AIRPORT A landing and taking off area for civil aircraft, usually with surfaced runways and aircraft maintenance and passenger facilities. Preferred term 91490 -
Civil Court Narrow term 162954 -
CIVIL DEFENCE BUILDING A building used to coordinate civil defence in times of war. Can also be utilized as aid centres in times of national emergency. Preferred term 97264 -
CIVIL DEFENCE GARAGE A garage for the storage and maintenance of motor vehicles, such as ambluances and fire engines, used for civil defence purposes. Preferred term 162650 -
CIVIL DEFENCE HEADQUARTERS A building used for the daily administration of Civil Defence activities. Preferred term 162651 -
CIVIL DEFENCE SITE Sites and buildings used in the coordination of the defence of the civilian population during times of war. Could also be used during times of national emergency. Preferred term 94350 -
CIVIL DEFENCE TRAINING CENTRE A building or site used to train civilians and members of the services in the skills designed to protect the civilian population during times of war. Could also be used during times of national emergency. Preferred term 162652 -
CIVIL DEFENCE TRAINING GROUND An area used for the training of personnel in civil defence procedures. Preferred term 151271 -
Civil War Defences Narrow term 70709 -
Civil War Siegework Narrow term 70710 -
CIVITAS CAPITAL A planned administrative capital for local government which provided amenities for the Roman and peregrine (non-Roman) inhabitants of the town. Preferred term 68751 -
CLADDING A non-structural covering, such as tile, slate, wood etc., applied to an exterior wall. Preferred term 137557 -
CLAIM STONE A marker stone erected to indicate a claim to the rights, usually mineral, of an area. Preferred term 121265 -
Clairvoyee Narrow term 91491 -

2491 - 2520 of 12,437 records.

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