These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
CLIPPER | Generic term for fast sailing ships with schooner rig and fine hull lines. | Preferred term | - | - |
CLIPPERS | Scissor like object used for cutting, clipping, shearing etc. | Preferred term | 96483 | - |
Clipping Floor | Narrow term | 91502 | - | |
CLOAK | A voluminous garment worn over other clothing. | Preferred term | 96609 | - |
Cloak Fastener | Narrow term | 97348 | - | |
Cloak Pin | Narrow term | - | - | |
CLOAKROOM | A room in which cloaks, coats, hats etc may be left and often including coathooks, hat boxes and similar fixtures and fittings. | Preferred term | 137563 | - |
Clocher | Narrow term | 91503 | - | |
CLOCK | An instrument for measuring time. | Preferred term | 95330 | - |
Clock Face | Narrow term | - | - | |
CLOCK FACTORY | A factory manufacturing timepieces, including clocks and watches. | Preferred term | 159234 | - |
Clock House | Narrow term | 71750 | - | |
CLOCK SHOP | A commercial premises where clocks are sold and repaired. | Preferred term | 91504 | - |
CLOCK TOWER | A tall structure, high in proportion to its lateral dimensions, often rising in stages, free standing or part of another building, surmounted by a clock. | Preferred term | 137564 | - |
CLOCK TOWER | A tower built to display a large clock. | Preferred term | 70349 | - |
Clockmakers Workshop | Narrow term | 162957 | - | |
CLOCKS | Instruments for measuring and displaying time. Often manufactured as a piece of furniture e.g.a grandfather clock. | Preferred term | 140443 | - |
CLOG | A wooden, or wooden soled, shoe. | Preferred term | 96567 | - |
CLOG MILL | A factory or site where wooden clogs are manufactured. | Preferred term | 69307 | - |
Clogmaking Works | Narrow term | 91505 | - | |
CLOISTER | A covered ambulatory, usually arcaded, arranged around three or four sides of a quadrangle in a monastic or collegiate establishment. | Preferred term | 137565 | - |
CLOISTER | A covered walk, walled on one side and usually arcaded on the other, surrounding or partly surrounding an open area in a monastery or similar complex of Christian buildings. | Preferred term | 70342 | - |
CLOISTER GARTH | A quadrangle or courtyard, often grassed or planted, surrounded by cloisters | Preferred term | 141905 | - |
CLOISTER GARTH | The open space surrounded by a cloister. | Preferred term | 91506 | - |
CLOSE DEFENCE BATTERY | A coastal battery designed for use in short range engagements with enemy vessels, minelayers, blockships ad torpedo craft. | Preferred term | 94168 | - |
CLOSE STUDDING | In timber framed buildings this is the division of a wall into narrow panels by vertical studs. | Preferred term | 137566 | - |
CLOSED TRAINING PRISON | An institution for the detention of prisoners, surrounded by a wall and/or fence as a barrier to escape. The level of security depends on the category of inmate detained. | Preferred term | 103793 | - |
CLOSED TRUSS | A truss in which spaces between timbers are filled, as between rooms and at the ends of a building. | Preferred term | 137567 | - |
CLOSET | A small chamber or private room. | Preferred term | 137568 | - |
Closing Stile | Narrow term | 91507 | - |
2581 - 2610 of 12,437 records.