Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Club Building Narrow term 70716 -
Club Stewards House The residence of a person entrusted with the management of a Working Mans Club. Narrow term 164132 -
CLUBHOUSE A building occupied by a club or commonly used for club activities. Preferred term 69939 -
Cludgie Narrow term 91519 -
CLUMP SOLE An extra sole on a shoe. Preferred term 96574 -
Cluniac Abbey Use ABBEY and CLUNIAC MONASTERY or CLUNIAC NUNNERY. Narrow term 70717 -
Cluniac Alien Priory Use ALIEN PRIORY and CLUNIAC MONASTERY /NUNNERY. Narrow term 91520 -
CLUNIAC CELL A residence of two or three monks of the Cluniac order dependent on an English mother house. Preferred term 70129 -
CLUNIAC GRANGE An outlying farm or estate belonging to the Cluniac order. Preferred term 91521 -
CLUNIAC MONASTERY An abbey or priory of Cluniac monks. Preferred term 70158 -
CLUNIAC NUNNERY An abbey or priory of Cluniac nuns. Preferred term 70169 -
Cluniac Priory Use PRIORY and CLUNIAC MONASTERY/NUNNERY. Narrow term 70718 -
Cluniac Priory Cell Narrow term 91522 -
CLUSTER BLOCK A multi-storey building in which individual blocks of flats cluster around a central service core. Preferred term 84578 -
CLUSTER HOUSE A group of four houses in quadruplex form within a single block, of approximately square plan and set in a spacious garden. Such houses were usually provided for supervisory or skilled workers within a textile factory. Preferred term 91523 -
CLUSTERED COLUMN A pier made up of several columns clustered together. They can be attached through their whole length or only at top and bottom. Preferred term 137569 -
Clustered Pier Narrow term 137570 -
Coach Building Works Narrow term 91524 -
COACH HOUSE An outbuilding where a horse-drawn carriage is kept. Preferred term 70261 -
Coach Station Narrow term 91525 -
COACH WORKS Traditionally a building or site where stage coaches were built. Nowadays the term is applied to buildings used for the manufacturing of the body work and furnishings of motor vehicles and railway carriages. Preferred term 69098 -
COACHING INN A public house offering lodgings to the passengers, and stabling for the horses of stage coaches. Preferred term 68794 -
COACHING INN STABLE A stable found at a coaching inn where horses are housed. Preferred term 71635 -
COACHMANS COTTAGE The residence of a coachman. Preferred term 91526 -
COAL Hard, black, carbonized plant matter, usually found in seams below the earth's surface and used as a fuel and for the manufacture of gas. Preferred term 78951 -
Coal And Wine Tax Post Narrow term 91527 -
COAL BUNKER A structure used for the storage of coal. Preferred term 78447 -
COAL CLEANING PLANT A large building or structure where coal is washed, sized and graded before being sold. Preferred term 87827 -
COAL CRUSHER HOUSE A structure housing machinery for crushing coal. Usually found at the pithead of a colliery or coal mine. Preferred term 78800 -
COAL DEPOT A depot used for the unloading of coal. Preferred term 87926 -

2641 - 2670 of 12,437 records.

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