Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
Fuse Box Narrow term 143481 -
FUSEBOX A box or cupboard enclosing the fuses for the electrical circuits within a building. Preferred term 140988 -
Fustian Cutters Shop Narrow term 92057 -
Fustian Mill Narrow term 129039 -
G Class Submarine Narrow term - -
GABLE The part of the wall that supports a pitched roof at the end of the roof. Preferred term 137803 -
Gable Cross Narrow term - -
GABLE ENTRY PLAN A plan of a building where the entrance is in the gable wall. Preferred term 137804 -
GABLED HOUSE A house with a pitched or gabled roof with a double slope and gables on two or more sides. Preferred term 92058 -
GABLED ROOF The commonest type of roof with sloping sides meeting at a ridge and with a gable at each end. Preferred term 137805 -
GABLET A small gable above a hipped roof. Also used ornamentally, such as on a buttress or over a niche. Preferred term 137806 -
GADROON A convex, finger-like moulding, usually applied in a series to form a pattern of ridges. Preferred term 138874 -
GAITER Cloth or leather covering for the leg or ankle. Preferred term 96606 -
GALILEE A chapel in a church for penitents. Preferred term 92059 -
GALILEE A lobby or chapel at the western entrance of a church. Sometimes a place of burial, an area reserved for women, or a place where monks could meet female relatives. Preferred term 137807 -
GALLEON Warship or trading vessel, three masted with a low forecastle. Preferred term - -
GALLERIED ROW A row of houses linked at first floor level by an open continuous gallery which runs through the front of the buildings. Access to the gallery was gained by flights of steps. Commonly found in the city of Chester. Preferred term 71803 -
GALLERIED ROW HOUSE A house within a row. At first floor level a gallery which runs through the front of the building. Access to the gallery was gained by steps set at intervals along the row. Commonly found in the city of Chester. Preferred term 92060 -
Gallery Narrow term 162975 -
Gallery (Chapel) Narrow term 139092 -
Gallery (Church) Narrow term 137808 -
GALLERY (ECCLESIASTICAL) An upper story in a chapel, church or cathedral, situated above the aisle and below the clerestory, often arcaded and sometime called a Tribune. Preferred term 140396 -
GALLERY (SECULAR) A long room for recreation, often on an upper floor. Preferred term 137809 -
Gallery Grave Neolithic chambered tomb featuring a passage with lateral and/or end chambers. Narrow term 70066 -
GALLEY Oared fighting ship with ancillary sails. Preferred term - -
GALLIOT A small galley or Dutch trading vessel similar to a barge in construction. Preferred term - -
GALLOWS A structure used for execution by hanging. Usually two uprights and a cross-piece, from which the offender is suspended by the neck. Preferred term 68729 -
GALLOWS A two post structure with cross beam for hanging criminals. Preferred term 95721 -
GALLOWS MOUND A natural or man-made earth mound on which a gallows was erected. Preferred term 68730 -
GALVANIZING WORKSHOP A place where an anti-corrosion coating of zinc is added to iron and steel products to prevent them from rusting. Preferred term 92061 -

4891 - 4920 of 12,437 records.

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