These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
FUNERAL CHAPEL | A chapel within a parish church containing an altar and one or more tombs. | Preferred term | 71737 | - |
FUNERAL DIRECTORS | The establishment of an undertaker who is responsible for the management of the ceremony connected with the burial or cremation of a dead body. | Preferred term | 92049 | - |
FUNERAL PYRE | A structure consisting of combustible material, typically wood, on which a body is placed and then cremated, sometimes with accompanying grave goods. Use only when evidence of structure exists. | Preferred term | 104253 | - |
FUNERARY BUILDING | A building associated with funerary rites and burials. | Preferred term | 159193 | - |
Funerary Chalice | Narrow term | - | - | |
FUNERARY ENCLOSURE | An enclosure, usually private, used for burial. Often found within a cemetery. | Preferred term | 159192 | - |
FUNERARY SITE | Site types normally or frequently associated with burials which in some instances may have had solely religious or ritual functions. | Preferred term | 69999 | - |
Funfair | Narrow term | 92050 | - | |
FUNICULAR RAILWAY | A cable railway with ascending and descending cars counterbalanced. | Preferred term | 92051 | - |
Funnel | Narrow term | 103874 | - | |
FUNNEL | An object used to aid pouring a substance through a small opening. | Preferred term | 96409 | - |
FUR FACTORY | A building or complex where skins are prepared, with their hair still on, to make fur products. | Preferred term | 159242 | - |
FURLONG BOUNDARY | Linear earthwork boundary denoting furlongs | Preferred term | 169858 | - |
FURNACE | A chamber in which minerals, metals, etc, are subjected to the continuous action of intense heat. Use specific type where known. | Preferred term | 69175 | - |
Furnace House | Narrow term | 92054 | - | |
FURNACE POND | A pond used as a water supply for the operation of a furnace or blast furnace. | Preferred term | 69233 | - |
FURNISHING | Soft coverings and associated objects used within buildings. | Preferred term | 97201 | - |
FURNISHINGS AND FURNITURE | Soft coverings and associated objects for walls, furniture, floors and windows. Also items such as chairs, beds, and cupboards. | Preferred term | 95064 | - |
FURNITURE | Movable, usually functional, articles in a room. | Preferred term | 96545 | - |
FURNITURE | Movable, usually functional, articles normally found in the home. | Preferred term | 79012 | - |
FURNITURE FACTORY | A factory where furniture is manufactured. | Preferred term | 69423 | - |
FURNITURE FITTING | An attachment to furniture that can be detached. | Preferred term | 96265 | - |
FURNITURE SHOP | A shop selling household furniture. | Preferred term | 151470 | - |
FURNITURE SHOWROOM | A room specifically used for the display of furniture and other related materials | Preferred term | 144625 | - |
FURNITURE WAREHOUSE | A building or part of a building used for the storage of furniture or furniture related materials. | Preferred term | 144624 | - |
FURNITURE WORKSHOP | A workshop for the manufacturing of furniture. | Preferred term | 145079 | - |
FURRIERS SHOP | A place where furs are made into finished products. | Preferred term | 93938 | - |
FURS | Animal skins which have the outer pelt of fur on them. | Preferred term | 85406 | - |
FURTHER EDUCATION COLLEGE | An educational establishment primarily for children aged 16-18 years old but can provide education for more mature students. | Preferred term | 92055 | - |
Furze House | Narrow term | 92056 | - |
4861 - 4890 of 12,437 records.