Object types that the Scheme uses

These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).

Term Scope note Term type SENESCHAL URI Other URI
GAMBESON A cloth or leather tunic, usually worn underneath metal armour, although sometimes worn by itself. Preferred term 97700 -
GAMBLING SITE Buildings where gambling takes place. Preferred term 92062 -
Gambrel Roof Narrow term 138843 -
Game Board Narrow term - -
GAME BOX A box in which one or more games are stored. Preferred term 95631 -
Game Counter Narrow term - -
GAME COVERT A small area of managed woodland, created to provide cover for deer and other game. Preferred term 162874 -
GAME LARDER A small building in which game is hung up and kept cool. Preferred term 68926 -
GAME LARDER A store for undressed meat, usually for keeping grouse, partridge, pheasant or rabbit in a cool environment. Preferred term 137810 -
Game Store Narrow term 92063 -
Gamekeepers Cottage Narrow term 92064 -
Gamekeepers House Narrow term 92065 -
Gamekeepers Lodge Narrow term 92066 -
Games Pavilion Narrow term 92067 -
GAMESROOM A room in which board and table games are usually played. Preferred term 137811 -
GAMING BOARD A board marked up to play a game upon. Preferred term 95630 -
GAMING CHIP A marker used to represent a gambling stake. Preferred term 97452 -
Gaming Counter Narrow term - -
GAMING HOUSE An establishment used for gambling. Preferred term 92068 -
GAMING PIECE A marker used in the playing of a game. Preferred term 95650 -
Gaming Pit Narrow term 70554 -
Gang Mill Narrow term 92069 -
GANGWAY A raised platform or walkway connecting two buildings or a ship with the quay, etc. Preferred term 94399 -
GANTRY A framework, often made of steel, supporting a crane or similar structure, or for supporting a platform or stage. Preferred term 82894 -
GANTRY CRANE A crane mounted on a large metal gantry, used for the lifting of large-scale building materials, etc. Preferred term 92070 -
GAOL An institution for the imprisonment of felons and debtors. Preferred term 70905 -
Gaolers House Use both terms. Narrow term 93951 -
GARAGE Use only for buildings which house motor vehicles. Includes garages for vehicle repair. For petrol sales use PETROL STATION. Preferred term 71377 -
GARDEN An enclosed piece of ground devoted to the cultivation of flowers, fruit or vegetables and/or recreational purposes. Use more specific type where known. Preferred term 68641 -
GARDEN ARCADE A series of arches, linked together, often made out of clipped hedges or trees with the trunks forming the uprights Preferred term 92071 -

4921 - 4950 of 12,437 records.

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