These terms are from the FISH Archaeological Objects Thesaurus (Forum on Information Standards in Heritage - FISH).
Term | Scope note | Term type | SENESCHAL URI | Other URI |
Garden Archway | Narrow term | 92072 | - | |
GARDEN BASIN | A decorative garden ornament, usually of stone, in the form of a wide, shallow dish. | Preferred term | 92073 | - |
Garden Bed | Narrow term | 159269 | - | |
GARDEN BUILDING | Includes some structures that are not strictly buildings. Use a more specific term where possible. | Preferred term | 71376 | - |
GARDEN CENTRE | A place where gardening tools, plants, etc, are sold. | Preferred term | 92074 | - |
GARDEN CITY | A planned, self-contained, community incorporating green open spaces and containing housing, industrial and agricultural zones. | Preferred term | 159196 | - |
Garden Cottage | Narrow term | 92075 | - | |
GARDEN FEATURE | Unspecified landscape feature. Use more specific type where known. | Preferred term | 71513 | - |
GARDEN HOUSE | A small ornamental building in a garden, usually one-storeyed and consisting of one room. Use a more specific term where known. | Preferred term | 69018 | - |
Garden Lake | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 92076 | - |
GARDEN OF REST | Garden associated with a crematorium where the ashes of the deceased are scattered or buried. | Preferred term | 141293 | - |
GARDEN ORNAMENT | A decorative or ornamental structure purposefully situated in a garden. Such as sculptures, sundials, bird baths, gnomes etc. | Preferred term | 92077 | - |
GARDEN PATH | A path in a garden. | Preferred term | 92078 | - |
Garden Pavilion | Narrow term | 71704 | - | |
Garden Pool | Use both terms. | Narrow term | 92079 | - |
GARDEN PORCH | A roofed, lightweight structure, usually attached to a house, provdiing access from and to the garden. | Preferred term | 92080 | - |
GARDEN RETREAT | A structure or building, often within a secluded area of a garden, where people could go for quiet reflection. | Preferred term | 92081 | - |
Garden Room | Narrow term | 92082 | - | |
GARDEN SCREEN | Ornamental wrought iron screen associated with gate lodges or entrance lodges. | Preferred term | 92083 | - |
GARDEN SEAT | A type of GARDEN HOUSE, usually in the form of an open-fronted shelter with seat. | Preferred term | 71522 | - |
GARDEN SHED | A structure in a garden used to house gardening implements, etc. | Preferred term | 71530 | - |
Garden Staircase | Narrow term | 92084 | - | |
Garden Stairs | Narrow term | 92085 | - | |
GARDEN STEPS | Stone, brick or wooden steps or stairs found in a garden. | Preferred term | 92086 | - |
GARDEN SUBURB | A town laid out systematically with spacious and garden-like surroundings. | Preferred term | 92087 | - |
GARDEN TABLE | A table found in a garden, often made of stone. | Preferred term | 92088 | - |
GARDEN TEMPLE | A garden building, usually in the Gothic or classical style. The term can be applied to many types of garden building with an interior space in which to stand or sit. Use specific type where known. | Preferred term | 69019 | - |
GARDEN TERRACE | A flat, level area of ground within a garden. Often raised and accessed by steps. | Preferred term | 71392 | - |
GARDEN VILLAGE | A village laid out systematically with spacious and garden-like surroundings. | Preferred term | 92089 | - |
GARDEN WALL | A stone or brick wall either in, or enclosing, a garden. | Preferred term | 69020 | - |
4951 - 4980 of 12,437 records.